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Military Compounds

Military compounds are handled by interdisciplinary design teams led by engineers with a military background in order to provide holistic solutions for corresponding construction and infrastructure measures.

Refurbishment / Retrofit

Part of our basic evaluation are the
  • Inventory with area, security and building substance assessment,
  • the development of requirements concepts with the armed forces and
  • the creation of utilisation and safeguarding concepts.
The scope of the conversion and extension design results from the comparison of existing buildings and requirements during the development of the utilisation concept. Depending on the requirements, building concepts are developed for which the following services are provided:
  • Design and implementation planning, taking into account energy-optimised design approaches
  • Development of facility management and operating concepts including calculation of life cycle costs
  • Tendering and awarding of contracts
  • Quality assurance during construction

New Constructions

Depending on the area and function specified,
  • geotechnical data and 3D-terrain models are created
  • Requirement concepts are developed with the armed forces.

Master planning implements the requirements concept. The planning of the property includes buildings, technical facilities for energy and information technology development as well as infrastructural supply and disposal systems. It goes without saying that the structural and technical security is an integral part of the design.

The scope of the building and infrastructure design corresponds to the services described above for "design of existing buildings".
