With its ingenious security concepts and their subsequent planning, Braun Engineering .secure creates the necessary basis for upgrading or retrofitting large areas, critical infrastructures, industrial plants, individual buildings, worthy of protection, as well as individual rooms according to the respective protection objective. This activity requires a depth of knowledge with regard to the assessment of the current and, above all, future threat situation and results in the recommendation of suitable protective measures, taking realisation and economic aspects into account.
Our specialist engineers at Braun Engineering .secure create end-to end security concepts for new buildings and existing properties worldwide. Then they develop these across all trades in all service phases, taking a wide range of potential hazards and threat scenarios into account. A close customer partnership, coupled with the many years of global experience of our experts, is both a recognizable feature and the key to our joint project successes.
The range of services extends from site and threat analyses to risk assessments and the development of specially tailored, comprehensive safety and security concepts in a 5D approach. Structural protection measures, electronic protection technologies and organisational protection measures tailored to the respective natural environment are used for protection.
Numerical simulations are used to determine earthquake loads, time-dependent detonation loads and high-velocity impacts on buildings and protective structures. Localised destruction can also be simulated.
Thanks to the company's interdisciplinary structure, overall design solutions are realised fully and independently by our experienced team of security-cleared specialists, both confidentially and securely. As required or on request, we supplement our expertise for our customers with various specialist planners within and outside the group of companies, such as Braun Engineering .structure, while fully maintaining the respective level of confidentiality.
At the end of the construction work, a recognized certification system is used to ensure the high safety and quality standards (as well as the efficiency and efficiency and sustainability) of the property.